Tuesday, April 25, 2017

T-shirt Yarn

Once again... all in the name of giving new life to things other people throw away....

Hubby being one of the last hold-outs who still wear undershirts...and after many years of watching good-quality cotton get thrown away, I am finally putting a stop to the madness and creating new madness.

The last stack of old t-shirts I dyed blue and brown and cut into strips as shown in the pictures below.  I was actually so excited about just the yarn that I really hadn't thought about what I was going to do with it.

Cut off bottom and sleeve hems.
I still don't know what I'll be doing with them but I am sure to think of something

Fold in half... leaving 1 1/2" exposed, then cut ALMOST through.

It's still all in one piece, but can then be cut to create a single strip.  There are more detailed instructions online but it 's not my intention to provide that here. 

Once you have the cut, stretch each piece to make it curl into a super bulky yarn...then start knitting or crocheting.

I've finally decided to make a large basket using crochet  ...now that I've got a good start I'm pretty sure I'll need more t-shirts!

Apparently someone has decided what to do with my basket..

...yes I'm considering it... 

FINAL Version and I LOVE it

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