Friday, July 06, 2012

"Inspired by the Yarn"

I don't know about everyone else, but most of the time I am inspired by the materials.  I see everyday objects like soup cans, egg cartons, and things I'm about to throw away and wonder how I might re-purpose them. Since I've taken back up with knitting, & crocheting <again>, I've found family and friends are finding yarn for me.  

My sister Lia, has taken up crocheting, and found a 'yarn thrift shop' in her area... whoo hoo.

My co-worker Val found a bag of yarn and a yarn-tote at a garage sale.

Mom is a life-long knitter and crafter; her last trip out to my area also brought me a bag full of yarn, needles and hooks.  Mom gets together with her weekly "quilt group" (in recent years is just any ole' crafting) often ends up with materials they are ready to pass along.

I think I'm ready to start giving beginner's classes to put some of this yarn to good use, in the mien-time...

...tomorrow...see my example of what you might come up with when letting yourself be "Inspired by the Yarn"

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