Friday, September 21, 2012

...there's a BABY on the way !

hat's 'n booties ?  not me, I'm already a Grandma... and so far only one of that generation for me... but I have been very excited to learn my neighbor and friend is unexpectedly expecting!!!  Shortly thereafter she was expecting twins.... then twin boys!!! wow.

Fast forward and I'm all motivated to get creative and start some hat's 'n booties... I'll share my failed attempt at booties and the several successes with the hats... so if everyone is ready, hang on here we go.

First I think I forgot to photograph the first little beanies I made, but if I run across one I'll post it later...but here are the cutest... newsboy caps...

So the boys were born a tad early in August at just over 3 lbs each, and they are still in the NICU, but I was granted a visit but am still waiting for them to come home before shooting some pictures.

Earlier still I wanted some long-tailed pixie hats for my photograph collection... see what I came up with using the free pattern at

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